About - FreeSSL

Ever since our initial launch in early 2023, our mission here at FreeSSL has been to make SSL security available to everbody on the web.

The simple but powerful belief that every web application worldwide should be secured using SSL has been the essence of FreeSSL ever since its initial release in early 2023, when its sole purpose was to facilitate the setup and installation of free 90-day SSL certificates issued by third-party vendors. As time passed and the user base grew, a decision was made for FreeSSL to take a significant step towards becoming a trusted certificate authority itself, issuing authentic SSL certificates.

#1 Accessibility

The idea of bringing SSL protection to everybody for free or at low monthly rates has been with us since day one, and we continue to believe that not a single individual or business should struggle to afford a rock-solid SSL certificate. This is why we offer up to five 90-day SSL certificates as part of the FreeSSL Free Plan along with unlimited 90-day SSL certificates for anybody making use of major ACME integrations for certificate management.

#2 Usability

Over the years, our team realized that another essential characteristic of a good SSL certificate authority should be giving customers complete transparency and intuitive control when it comes to SSL certificate management. This led us to building a fully-fledged, which comes at no additional cost and enables customers to easily set up new certificates and keep track of existing ones.

#3 Automation

Our final main belief here at FreeSSL is that web essentials like SSL certificates should be fully automated, which is why we offer a straightforward SSL certificate management REST API interface, which can be used to automate most tasks usually handled manually in the FreeSSL UI. In addition, we made sure FreeSSL is supported across all major around the world.

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